Step 1. Meet a resident of the United States. Watch the video. She will tell you the main facts about the country, the symbols and the people who live in it. 

Step 2. Complete the test to learn information and facts about the United States that you heard from Jane.

Step 3. Watch the video and find out how the look of the USА flag has changed 

Step 4. Complete the task and find out how you learned the history of the US flag.

Step 5. Listen to the song and find out which states include the USA. 

Step 6.  Play the game and try to remember the US states. 

Step 7. Play the game. Make a puzzle with the US states. 

Step 8. Watch the videos, presentation and read the article about the sights of the United States.

Step 9. Tell some facts about  the sights of the United States, which you remembered. 

Step 10Make a booklet which will be called "Welcome to the USA" and presentation its in class.  You can use a such programms as Microsoft Publisher, Microsoft Word to do this or present on a paper.