Your work with the quest will be evaluated by such criteria. You can get 20 points.
Total score: 20
Pupil listen/
read some information and understand so little. It’s difficult for him/her to answer the questions after listening or reading. Pupil fill in its vocabulary.
Pupil listen/
read and understand the information as far as he/she need to do the task after. Pupil try to analyzes audio, video. Pupil fill in its vocabulary.
Pupil listen/
read and understand the information so good. He/she doing the task without the difficulties. Pupil analyzes information and can answer the questions. Pupil fill in its vocabulary.
Realization of task (LearningApps, Online-Games)

Pupil doing the tasks for a long time. He/she have a difficulties. Pupils have a low results.
Pupil doing the tasks
enough quick. He/she make mistakes, but it is does not interfere with a positive result.  
Pupil doing the tasks quickly without mistakes. He/she
attentive when doing your own

Speaking abilities
Pupil has made a number of  mistakes in grammar, spelling, choice of words and pronunciation. It’s difficultly for him/her to answer the question.
Pupil has made a several mistakes in grammar and some  spelling mistakes. He/she can answer the question.
Pupil speech is full of of idioms and his/her vocabulary is rich. Pupil made some mistakes.
Presentation (Booklet)
The presentation is very simple and rigid. Presentation is supported with little information from offered videos, audios and articles.
Pupil have made a good project full of useful information from offered videos, audios and articles. However, there are a few facts that enclose the topic.
Pupil have made a creative project full of wit and useful information from offered videos, audios and articles. All the offered information is clear and readable.